Stainless steel

What is stainless steel?

Stainless steel is low carbon steel, with high chromium content. Eurofor 88-71 defines stainless steel as steel, containing at least 11% chromium. Chromium gives steel a unique feature – corrosion resistance. The basic mixture of stainless steel is iron, chromium and carbon, which can also contain elements like nickel, molybdenum, titan, etc.

Chrome continent allows steel, to form rich oxide layer on steel surface. Steel becomes stainless, because in the presence of oxidized environment, the protective layer forms on the surface, which is build from the absorbed oxygen from the environment. This invisible layer has the thickness of atom and forms protective barrier, that dose not allow the formation of oxidation and rust.

If the surface of this protective layer gets chemically or mechanically damaged, it heals itself, provided that the presence of oxygen.

Why choose stainless steel?

Many unique characteristics of stainless steel has made it the leading variant in the selection of materials. Often it is overlooked by architects and designers, because people see it as a high-price product, although stainless steel has the highest added value with its endless list of advantages.

Some general characteristics of stainless steel:

Resistance to rust
Depending on the choice of type regarding the response to the ambient installation is highly resistant stainless steel.

Fire resistance
Specific types of stainless steel containing chromium and nickel alloys, retain strength and resistance to high temperatures.

Aesthetically quality
Visual purity stainless steel is easy to maintain, therefore, remains a contemporary design and attractive.

Long-term benefit
Given the longevity and long-term cost, the stainless steel is very attractive and very economical choice of material.

Stainless steel is extremely easy to clean because of its smooth surface treatment; that is precisely why this is the perfect choice regarding environmental protection requirements, which require strict hygiene conditions.

Manufacturing options
In modern technology, which uses the most advanced equipment and good master the know-how to make progress beyond all expectations.

According to their structural composition can be divided into:

Martensitic steel, variable structure in relation to the heat and the consequent coagulation due to thermal effects.

Ferritic steel, a stable iron structure that is resistant to heat. This type contains about 17% chromium.

Austenitic steel, a stable austenitic structure, which is not resistant to heat. This type contains chromium at levels above 17%, 7% nickel over molybdenum and possibly.

TWO PHAZE steel, a mixture of austenite and iron structure, containing about 16% chromium, 5% nickel and molybdenum, may also be other elements.

Coagulation with deposition, can have austenitic structure, it contains approximately 15% of chromium, nickel (between 4% and 14%) and other elements, can contain aluminum.

A detailed description of materials and welding